Saturday, November 27, 2010

Gobble Talk

Hey, hey, hey!  Hope everyone had a fun and filling Thanksgiving.  I know it's been quite a while since I've given my two cents on the state of Yankees. After suffering from post playoff early departure syndrome, I found an outlet to forget about the playoffs in the form of work...lots of it.  That being said, blogging obviously took a back seat.

Anywho, so during Thanksgiving dinner my in-laws asked about my thoughts on the "Situation"...the Jeter "Situation". This is new territory now. Jeterians of the Yankee Universe have been torn between the two sides of the negotiation table. (Before going any further...does anyone feel another LeBron "The Decision" type-thing coming in the not too distant future?)

Ok, need to digress one more time. A colleague of mine and Mets "fan" (he's feeling that amazin' pain too much so I use the term fan lightly) made a "little loco" statement that the Mets should offer 72 million over three years for Jeter to play second base and more importantly "stick it to the Yankees!" I only mention this to show that many people are a little bonkers!

Does anyone imagine Jeter not in pinstripes?  Is there some animosity brewing between the Captain and the front office? Does he deserve 25 million a year over five/six years? Is Jeter tarnishing his otherwise pristine image with a bit of greed? Do the Yankees "owe" Jeter something? You get the picture...too many questions and Yankee fans are in between the media and the negotiation table. He said, he said running rampant and fans growing a bit tired of the bullcrap! This is New York afterall. We ain't got time for this.  Stop yappin' and start typin' that contract.  Like Nike says, Just Do it!

This is Indio and I approved this message.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

ALCS - Short & Sweet

Now that we know the Rangers will be the Yankees ALCS challenger, a few things come to mind:

1. Yanks must beat Cliff Lee!

2. Yanks must keep Burnett out of the rotation.

3. Yanks must hit with runners in scoring position.

This is Indio and I approved this message.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Hunt for Navy Blue October

My ears have been ringin' with all the talk about the Yanks and the playoffs.  My good friend and former Ultimate Road Trip 3 cast mate Eddie Mata seems to think NOT facing Cliff Lee twice in a short series is a pretty good idea.  

Eddie went to Hollywood and got all soft on me like a helmet full of Dippin' Dots on a Saturday afternoon in August!

Fuhgetaboutit!  Yanks need to man up and finish these games out like champs!  Note to self: The Yanks are the defending champions!!!  So while some of our pitchers has left something to be desired (ala Burnett & Vasquez), we still have a great team that can repeat this bad boy! 

 So Yankee Universe, please don't accept second place as perfectly fine.  We still can win this...a little help from Baltimore and KC would be nice, I'm just sayin'.  So buckle up folks, we gonna have ourselves one heck of a ride this week!


My name is Indio and I approved this message! Stay Tuned!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Yanks vs. Rangers...a playoff preview.

The boys are down in Arlington for a weekend set against the Texas Rangers, in what seems to be a playoff preview between the top dogs of the AL East & West.

Ok, to say I'm not nervous about the series would be an understatement to the 2nd power! Vasquez, Burnett, and Moseley are not the prime time pitchers we want on the mound but they most certainly need to perform like CC, Andy, & Phil!

Oh then there's this lefty guy, Cliff Lee.  He's been funkin' up the place but against the pinstripes...well you know the story.

Buckle up your seats Yankee Universe, we may be entering a band of asteroids with the damage results to be seen on the other side!

P.S.  I know I'm a little late but congrats to  Michael Kay on his engagement to the lovely Jodi Applegate.  

Stay Tuned!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The good, the bad, & the ugly...

The Good:  Yankees are in 1st...alone.

The Bad: Injuries and starting rotation.

The Ugly: Losing to the Orioles.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What's up Yankee Universe!

The kid outta da Bronx is at it again! What's up Yankee fans it's good to be out in the blogosphere of Yankee Universe!  Big shout out to Philip at for making it all happen.

Now to business. First, Happy Birthday to Brett "Speedy B" Gardner. Celebrate by scoring a run or two...the team loves it when you do. We're only 46-10 when that happens.  Oh, nice throw to the plate in the 1st inning last night.  You're catching up to your ole compadre Melky in assists.

So Ivan Nova showed he can hang with the big least a few more innings and  a lot less damage than his Caribbean mate Javy Vasquez. Is it just me or wasn't it great that Juan "I wanna be like Brady Anderson" Bautista got some chin music and a little lip from the kid!? I'm just sayin'.

September fast approaches my friends!  The AL lead is a itsy bitsy half game and the boys are having themselves a stretch of opponents with a .500 or better record.  Tighten up your cleats's gonna be a hard slide into October.  Well wishes to our boys on the DL...let's hope Andy, Berkman, Marte & Arod get back on the field pronto! 

Stay Tuned!